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When thinking about purchasing a property, you should hire a home inspector. You need someone that will verify the home’s value before you go ahead with the purchase. Inspectors and appraisers approach their work differently. They have different educational backgrounds and different methods for completing their tasks. This means that the appraisal might not give you the full picture.

An appraiser’s primary duty is to determine the value of a property. This is accomplished by examining many aspects of a property, including its condition. However, although condition plays a significant role in determining value, it isn’t the only thing considered during an appraisal. Appraisers only record visible characteristics when assessing a home’s worth. These may include a home’s proximity to schools or parks, the size of the plot, and neighborhood crime rates.

A home inspector typically spends a few hours inspecting a regular-sized property. Additionally, he will discuss his findings with the homeowner and any questions they may have. Following this, the inspector would provide a report with photos. It could be a written or printed report showing the summary of all the issues discovered in your home. At times, these issues could be serious enough that the appraised value of a home is greatly overestimated when factoring in repairs.

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